Stained Glass Effect Suncatcher
This is a fun craft to make a stained glass effect suncatcher which will brighten up any window. It can be done by even very young children with just a little help.
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Sticky back plastic (contact paper)
Scraps of tissue paper and/or cellophane
Glitter (optional)
Starting materials
Cut up some small scraps of coloured tissue paper and cellophane. Translucent materials work best as they will let light shine through when affixed to the window.
Cellophane and tissue paper scraps
Cut a shape out of sticky back plastic. Cut a second piece the same shape as the first but slightly bigger. We allowed about a 1cm border.
We chose to make a circle and also a heart
Peel the protective backing off the smaller piece and stick pieces of tissue paper of cellophane onto the sticky side
Even very young children can enjoy this as the sticking is easy and no glue is required
Don't worry if you go over the edge - just trim round the edge to give a clean shape
Just trim the shape before you put the bigger top layer of sticky back plastic on
Add glitter if you want some sparkle
My daughter wanted to add fairy dust
Peel the protective backing off the larger piece of sticky back plastic and stick onto your decorated piece, sticky side to sticky side
Stick the bigger piece of contact paper on top sticky sides together
You should now have a 'stained glass window' with a sticky border which can be affixed to a bedroom window or even a car window.
The sticky border of your colourful shape affixes to the glass window
Our window looked really pretty with the light shining through
What shape will you make? Why not try making a colourful bird or rainbow? You could even try making a
paper snow flake stain glass window at Christmas time.
237948 - 2023-07-18 02:13:20