Super Sock Creatures
Every household has its fair share of odd socks and this fun activity is a great way to utilise those whose partner has been lost forever. Most of the things that you’ll need are easily found around the home, making it a great activity for kids to enjoy on a rainy day. They’ll be sure to love the cuddly sock creatures that they create.
Like most craft activities, this one provides youngsters with plenty of creative options, and there is no right or wrong way to approach it. Use my instructions as a basic guideline, but feel free to branch out and create your own unique and wacky creatures if you so desire.
Since sharp fabric scissors and needles are used in this activity, it’s strongly recommended that responsible adult guidance is constantly on hand – especially if the children who are participating are very young. Please be aware that small objects such as buttons and beads are potential choking hazards, so once again, be vigilant – especially if there are pre-school age children in the home.
Time: 60 - 90 minutes
Age: 5-10's, Over 10's
Level: Medium
One or more odd socks
Synthetic filling or stuffing - easily sourced at most well-stocked craft shops
A few buttons
Pieces of felt in various colours
Scraps of wool in various colours
Embroidery cotton
Large sewing needle
Sharp fabric scissors
Some ribbon
Optional – pipe cleaners, beads, cotton wool
Taking note of the craft materials that you have, plan the kind of creature you’d like to make. Take the synthetic filling and gently start to fill the sock. Fill it completely so the creature’s body is firm, but soft.
Thread a needle with sewing cotton or wool, and sew the opening of the sock together so the filling won’t fall out. Cut the sock to make it shorter, if desired. Use simple running stitch for the sewing, as this is very easy – even for those who are just beginning to sew. Ensure that the sewing is firmly secured by using a knot at the beginning and end of your work, and by using small firm stitches. Perhaps do a couple of rows, to provide extra strength.
Plan where your creature’s eyes will be and mark with a felt-tipped pen or chalk. Take two buttons and sew these into place. Try to keep the eyes towards the top of your creature, leaving plenty of room for its body. We placed some pieces of coloured felt under our creature’s eyes to create a more dramatic effect.
Taking a piece of red felt, cut out a mouth for your creature. If desired, you could also add eyebrows, hair, moustache, beard, antennae or a hat from different coloured pieces of felt or pipe-cleaners. Experiment with different ideas and shapes – a few simple variations can make a world of difference to the final creation.
Using matching-coloured cotton, sew the mouth and other features onto your creature. Once again, try to keep plenty of room at the bottom of the sock as this will be your creature’s body.
Take a piece of ribbon and tie it around your creature’s neck.
If your creature is an animal or monster, you might want to create ears or antennae by pulling, twisting or bunching up parts of the sock and using either an elastic band or sewing thread to secure it into the desired shape and form.
If you want to give your creature hair, sew strands of wool onto its head.
Although your Super Sock Creature is now almost complete, you may still want to add a few finishing touches. If you have some fancy buttons, beads, lace or braid on hand you might want to use these (and your imagination!) to create a special effect. Extra bits and pieces made from felt or wool can also be added.
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