Sweet Butterfly
This is a sweet alternative to a regular birthday card. Older kids will be able to draw and cut out their own butterfly while younger ones will enjoy decorating a cut out made by a parent.
Time: 10 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Hard wrapped lolly
Felt tip pens
2 googly eyes
Lay your lolly on the card so that you can judge the size.
Draw the wings, leaving room for the head to stick off the top.
Cut out the butterfly shape.
Decorate the butterfly with bright felt tip pens or indulge your creative side by painting, sticking on shapes or using glitter glue.
Make a small slit between the wings at the top and bottom.
Insert the stick of the lolly through the two slits.
Glue on a couple of googly eyes and your sweet butterfly is ready to fly.
238118 - 2023-07-18 03:45:40
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