Toilet Roll Binoculars
Toilet roll binoculars
This is a simple craft for pre school children and has the added bonus of becoming a toy too. My son was invited to a fancy dress birthday party so we made these for his safari guide costume.
Time: 20 minutes
Age: Under 5's
Level: Easy
2 toilet rolls
Cord or ribbon
Double sided sticky tape or glue
Decorate a piece of paper that you will use to cover the toilet rolls. My son chose camouflage colours in green, brown and orange.
Its worth letting them know that you will cut up their picture. My son was a little upset when I started to cut up his work of art
Cut the paper into two pieces, to the width of the toilet rolls.
Stick double sided tape to the toilet rolls or glue them.
Place each toilet roll on the paper and roll up so that they are completely covered.
Decorated and ready to be stuck together
Stick the toilet rolls together where the paper meets.
For some added decoration, you could stick a piece of paper over the top.
Puncture a hole on either side of the binoculars and pass your cord or ribbon through and tie on the inside.
You could use ribbon too
Ask your child what they can see when they look through their binoculars. You could also hide soft toy animals around your house and get your child to search for them, looking through their binoculars.
Safari guide looking for animals
237860 - 2023-07-18 02:07:56