Toothbrush Painting
Encourage a love of dentistry through painting!
Time: 5 minutes
Age: Under 5's
Level: Easy
Old tooth brush
Glitter paint
Peppermint essence
Draw a large toothy smile on the paper.
Mix the paint and glitter paint together. Add a few drops of peppermint essence to create a toothpaste like medium.
Have children use the old tooth brush to brush the teeth.
Sing the tooth brushing song while they paint,
"When you wake up in the morning, it's quarter to one
And you want to have a little fun
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
When you wake up in the morning, it's quarter to two
And you want to find something to do
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
And when you wake up in the morning, it's quarter to three
And your mind starts hummin' tweedle dee dee
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch"
Extend your activity with other dental themed paintings.
239168 - 2023-07-18 04:26:41