Turn Bottles Into Spades
Next time you're throwing out a plastic bottle, why not try cutting it into this very handy spade? This is a multi-purpose activity saving landfill and entertaining children at the same time.
I've used a two litre vinegar bottle below, however you could just as easily use any two litre milk bottle. Children will love digging in the sand pit, beach or garden with this wonderful recycled creation. The cutting of the bottle should definitely be performed with great caution by an adult - preferably over a cutting board.
Recycled plastic bottle spade
Time: 10 minutes
Age: 5-10's
Level: Medium
One plastic bottle with handle (2 litre works best)
Bottle ready for cutting
Wash and dry a suitable plastic bottle.
Take a knife and cut the clean plastic bottle in half, being careful not to damage the handle.
Discard the half of the bottle without the handle (or maybe turn it into a bath time boat?).
Cut the bottle in half
Now use your scissors to trim the edges around the handle to make it look neat and spade-like. Discard the trimmed edges.
Discard the sides
You should be left with something resembling a spade and now you're ready to head off to the sandpit, beach or garden for some digging and shoveling. Necessity is the mother of invention, so why buy a spade when you can make your own?
Trim the edges
237928 - 2023-07-18 02:12:07