Twig Vase
This alien is sure to impress your space-loving kids. Easy to make, this little guy will be fun to play with too.
You can play with design to give your little alien as many or as few eyes, arms and antenna as you like.
You could even make a whole assembly of aliens!
Suitable for all ages, of course the under 5s are going to need more parent help than older kids, who could probably do this independently.
Time: 10 minutes
Age: Under 5's, 5-10's, Over 10's, Any Age
Level: Easy to Medium
1 small box - we used a jelly box, but you could use a sultana packet or band-aid box too
1 sheet of foil
3 pipe cleaners
2 googly eyes
Textas or bubble art pen to draw mouth
PVA glue
Sticky tape
[Image1 Some materials]
Cover the box in foil
[Image2 Cover box in foil]
Glue on the googly eyes. The PVA glue will take a while to dry, so it is good to get this step over with.
[Image3 Googly eyes]
Cut all your pipe cleaners in half. Curl them around something small and round like a pencil or a straw.
[Image4 Twirling pipe cleaners is an art]
Take one of the curled pipe cleaners. Fold it in half and stick to the top of the alien for antennae.
Then add the longer pipe cleaners to the bottom for legs. Tape them in place or cut small holes into the box to insert them through.
[Image5 Legs and antennae in place]
Draw on a mouth. We liked circling the eyes with the same colour.
[Image6 Mouth]
Now all your alien needs is arms if you want them on, and you're done!
[Image7 All finished!]
#Under 5s
#5 to 10s
#Over 10s
#Any Age
#Parent Craft
#Googly Eyes
238677 - 2023-07-18 04:09:50