Wallpaper Art
Getting bored of staring at the plain walls in your room? Here is an easy way to transform those plain boring walls and add some colour to your room. All you need is some imagination.
Time: 10 minutes
Age: Any Age
Level: Easy
Good quality coloured papers
Template (with design of your choice)
Double sided sticky tape
Print out a template with a design of your choice.
Cut the template out and trace it out on the coloured paper.
Stick it onto another square coloured paper to contrast the cut out design.
Stick it on your room wall with sticky tape.
Make as many as you want to brighten up your room.
If you have an old sketch lying around just turn it into a wallpaper art.
Another option is to make birthday cards the same way.
238973 - 2023-07-18 04:19:20
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