Wind Sock
How windy is it today
Understanding the weather can be made into fun activities. This is a simple wind sock that young children will enjoy making. Once it's complete they can take it outside to see how windy it is and which way the wind is blowing.
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Under 5's
Level: Easy
Felt tip pens
Tissue paper
Sticky tape
Decorate a piece of A4 paper, you could use felt tip pens as my toddler did or try painting a design or using stickers.
Tape some strips of tissue paper onto the non decorated and long side of the paper. It's easier to cut strips part way but not all the way to the top.
You could also use ribbon or crepe paper
Roll the paper into a tube and tape shut.
Puncture a couple of holes at the end without tissue paper.
Feed through some string and tie the ends together.
Take the wind sock outside. There are lots of questions to answer. How fast is the wind? Which direction is it blowing? What happens if you put the wind sock in different places?
237883 - 2023-07-18 02:09:13
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