Wool Dollies
It's fun to create your own dolls in your favorite colors. We went to the local OP shop and found some bargain rainbow colored wool to turn into the wool doll family you see below. They are easy to make, with a tiny bit of fiddly tying up of the woolly hands and legs. We also made some to give to our cousins as presents.
Mummy, Daddy and Baby Wool Dolly
Time: 15 minutes
Age: 5-10's
Level: Easy
Balls of colored wool
Postcard (or some rectangular cardboard)
Wind the wool around the cardboard
Take some colored wool and wind it lengthwise around a post card (or rectangular piece of cardboard).
Gently take the wool off the cardboard and tie one strand around the wool to hold it together. This will form the hair.
For the arms, take the wool off and tie each end
Tie another strand of wool below the hairline, to form the dolly's "head".
Cut the opposite end, so they hang loose. These will become the dolly's feet.
Cut the lower end
Let the wool hang loose
Wind some more colored wool around the shorter side of the cardboard. Gently slide this wool off the cardboard and tie up either end. This will become the dolly's "hands and arms".
Tie up the legs
Slide the "hands and arms" through the middle of the main dolly's body evenly.
Tie another strand around the body below the "arms".This will form the dolly's "tummy".
Divide the remaining wool into two sections and tie them up at the bottom end. These are the dolly's "feet".
Now your wool doll is nearly finished - you can tie up the hair however you wish. Do you want the hair hanging out or tied up in plaits? Does your dolly need a friend to play with?
237892 - 2023-07-18 02:09:50